May 22 – 23, 2023
Trieste, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Methods applied at Elettra for protein fold and binding analysis (FTIR, AFM, Raman)

May 22, 2023, 11:00 AM
1h 20m
AREA Congress Center

AREA Congress Center


Presentations from Elettra beamline scientists on biophysical methods applied using FTIR, UV-Raman spectroscopy and AFM to detect protein fold and protein-ligand bindings.
• 11:00 Lisa Vaccari - Infrared spectroscopy and nanoscopy: new frontiers in protein studies (SISSI beamline @ Elettra)
• 11:20 Barbara Rossi - UV Resonance Raman for characterization of proteins (IUVIS beamline @ Elettra)
• 11:40 Loredana Casalis - AFM nanotechnology (NanoLab @ Elettra)
• 12:00 Annie Heroux - One step further on the protein characterization process: XRD2 dedicated MX beamline at Elettra (XRD2 beamline @ Elettra)

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