Jun 22 – 27, 2025
Savoia Hotel, Trieste, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone
The abstract submission and registration will open on January 20.

We are pleased to announce the 16th Femtochemistry Conference (FEMTO 16) - Dynamics of Complex Molecular Processes in Chemistry, Biology, and Physics. 

This conference will bring together scientists from across the globe to present and discuss the latest advancements in the understanding of ultrafast molecular and chemical dynamics. 
The conference will encompass complex processes in chemistry, biology, materials science, and physics, from both theoretical and experimental perspectives. Notably, it will highlight the most advanced methods in ultrafast spectroscopy and structural research. 

We invite you to join us for this distinguished event, where pioneering ideas and insights will be shared.

Scientific topics at FEMTO16

  • Attosecond science
  • Biological dynamics
  • Chirality
  • Gas phase dynamics
  • Novel experimental and theoretical techniques and methodologies
  • Reaction dynamics in liquids
  • Solid materials
  • Solvation dynamics
  • Structural Dynamics


The series of biennial Femtochemistry Conferences started in 1993 and builds on the rich history of previous meetings:

1993 Berlin, Germany
 (organized by Jörn Manz)

1995 Lausanne, Switzerland
 (Majed Chergui)

1997 Lund, Sweden 
(Villy Sundström)

1999 Leuven, Belgium 
(Frans De Schryver)

2001 Toledo, Spain
 (Abderrazzak Douhal)

2003 Paris, France 
(Monique Martin and James Hynes)

2005 Washington DC, USA 
(A. Welford Castleman)

2007 Oxford, UK 
(David Clary)

2009 Beijing, China 
(Dongping Zhong and Qihuang Gong)

2011 Madrid, Spain 
(Luis Bañares and Jesus Santamaria)

2013 Copenhagen, Denmark 
(Niels E. Henriksen)

2015 Hamburg, Germany 
(Jochen Küpper)

2017 Cancun, Mexico 
(Marcos Dantus and Jorge Peón)

2019 Shanghai, China 
(Dongping Zhong and Jian Wu)

2023 Berlin, Germany 
(Thomas Elsaesser and Marc J. J. Vrakking)


Savoia Hotel, Trieste, Italy
Riva del Mandracchio, 4, 34124 Trieste TS
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