Feb 22 – 26, 2021
GMT timezone

Multiscale monochromatic and pink-beam microCT imaging at the ESRF-ID17 biomedical beamline

Feb 23, 2021, 5:25 PM


Oral presentation + Demo


Alberto Bravin (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility)


Recent trends in hard X-ray biomedical microCT aim at pushing the limits in both spatial and temporal resolutions. Additionally, when functional parameters in small animal organs need to be accessed, microCT has to be performed in vivo. All these challenges necessitate intense and coherent photon beams. To address these requests, the ESRF-ID17 biomedical beamline is equipped with different setups, using either monochromatic beam in the range 30-100 keV for low-medium resolution or pink-beam with a spectrum optimized around 25-50 keV for submicron imaging.
The presentation will illustrate the different options available at ID17 completed by a demo session focussed on the propagation phase contrast imaging procedures using monochromatic X-rays.

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