Sep 12 – 14, 2023
Trieste, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Correction of X-ray wavefront errors using adaptable refractive correctors

Sep 12, 2023, 9:40 AM
Trieste, Italy

Trieste, Italy

Adriatico Guesthouse - ICTP Via Grignano, 9 - 34151 Trieste


David Laundy (Diamond Light Source)


Imperfection in X-ray focusing optical elements result in phase errors which when propagated to the focal plane cause broadening of the focused beam profile. A useful concept is the X-ray wavefront which is a surface of constant phase and for ideal focusing this is a spherical surface centred on the focal point. Aberrations in optical elements cause a deviation of the wavefront from this ideal surface and give rise to loss of spatial resolution at the focus.
For 4th generation X-ray sources emitting X-rays with high spatial coherence, the requirement for achieving close to diffraction limited focusing is that the rms wavefront error should be a small fraction of the X-ray wavelength. This implies rms wavefront errors at the picometre level, which is highly demanding, and often this is beyond the limits of fabrication.

X-ray wavefront correction is a developing field in which special optical elements are inserted into the optical path to compensate the X-ray wavefront errors introduced by imperfect optics. I will describe design, fabrication and testing of wavefront correcting optical elements that use the weak refraction of X-rays to advance the X-ray phase with a variation in refractor thickness along one transverse direction giving a position dependent phase correction. Using a pair of refractors, the correction can be made adaptable to dynamically match the optical element allowing compensation for time dependent changes and for an X-ray energy independent correction. A pair of correctors can be used to separately correct the wavelength along two orthogonal directions.

Journal of Synchrotron Radiation Special Issue: will you submit your contribution? yes

Primary author

David Laundy (Diamond Light Source)


Dr Vishal Dhamgaye (Diamond Light Source) Hosein khosroabadi (Diamond light source) Dr Oliver Fox (Diamond Light Source) Dr KAWAL SAWHNEY (Diamond Light Source Ltd)

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