Nov 8 – 9, 2023
Savoia Excelsior Palace, Trieste, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone


The 26th ESLS RF Workshop offers an enriching program designed to foster knowledge exchange and collaboration among scientists and engineers in the field. Over the course of two days, attendees can look forward to engaging sessions and activities that highlight the latest advancements in Radio Frequency technology for synchrotron light source facilities.

The workshop kicks off on Wednesday, November 8, with presentation sessions scheduled for both the morning and afternoon. These sessions will provide a platform for participants to share their research findings, innovative ideas and practical insights, contributing to a comprehensive understanding of RF technology's applications and challenges.

As the day transitions into evening, participants are invited to a social event, offering an opportunity to connect with fellow attendees in a relaxed and convivial setting. This networking event promises lively discussions and the chance to forge valuable professional relationships.

Thursday, November 9, brings forth another engaging day. The morning begins with the last presentation session, enabling attendees to explore key topics and engage in meaningful dialogues with their peers.

In the afternoon, participants have the chance to embark on a guided tour to facilities at Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste. The tour is scheduled to conclude by 4 PM.

For attendees planning their journeys home after the tour, the organization is here to assist. We encourage those in need of directions or travel guidance to notify us through the registration form. Our aim is to ensure a seamless transition as you depart from the workshop on your way back.

The 26th ESLS RF Workshop promises an enriching experience filled with knowledge sharing, networking, and exploration. We look forward to your active participation and to collectively advancing the field of RF technology in synchrotron facilities.