Quantum materials are one of the most active research fields in condensed matter physics, encompassing the continuously expanding realm of two-dimensional (2D) materials, Dirac electron systems and their combinations in 2D architectures. These materials exhibit exotic electronic and magnetic properties, e.g., topological transport, superconductivity and nontrivial magnetic phases, which stem from emergent phenomena resulting from strong correlation effects or reduced dimensionality. The Elettra and FERMI beamlines and laboratories can contribute significantly to the understanding of these systems, thanks to a complementary and versatile set of powerful spectroscopic and microscopic characterization tools, including momentum-, space-, time- and spin-resolved techniques.
The QUEST workshop will address the current experimental and theoretical challenges in the broad field of quantum materials, promoting discussion and collaboration among a heterogeneous audience of interested scientists. World leading experts will highlight the most recent research achievements and opportunities that are being opened, especially at synchrotrons.
The workshop will be hosted by Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste at the Adriatico Guesthouse from December 2 to 3, 2024. There is no attendance fee for participants. In addition to invited speakers, the workshop program includes a poster session, for which we encourage abstract submissions. The registration form and the workshop program will be available later. We look forward to seeing you in Trieste!
2D materials, graphene, TM dichalcogenides, 2D heterostructures and devices, topological materials, correlation effects, chirality, magnetism, and topology