Dec 2 – 3, 2024
Adriatico Guesthouse, ICTP, Trieste, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone
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Probing condensates' coherence by time-resolved ARPES: From superconductors to excitonic insulators

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Sala Giambiagi (Adriatico Guesthouse, ICTP, Trieste, Italy)

Sala Giambiagi

Adriatico Guesthouse, ICTP, Trieste, Italy

Invited Oral


Andrea Damascelli (UBC)


With its direct correspondence to the electronic structure, angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) is a ubiquitous tool for the study of quantum materials. When ex-tended to the temporal domain, time-resolved ARPES offers the potential to move beyond equilibrium properties, exploring both the unoccupied electronic structure as well as its dy-namical response under ultrafast perturbation [1]. In this talk, I will discuss how time-resolved ARPES can probe the coherence of many-body condensates, from high-temperature superconductivity [2,3], to spin-correlation-driven pseudogap [4], and ex-citonic insulating behavior [5].

[1] F. Boschini, M. Zonno, A. Damascelli, Rev. Mod. Phys. 96, 015003 (2024).
[2] F. Boschini et al., Nature Materials 17, 416 (2018).
[3] M. Zonno, F. Boschini, A. Damascelli, JESRP 251, 147091 (2021).
[4] F. Boschini et al., npj Quantum Materials 5, 6 (2020).
[5] D. Golez et al., Phys. Rev. B 106, L121106 (2022).

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