Dec 2 – 3, 2024
Adriatico Guesthouse, ICTP, Trieste, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone
Registration is now open

On the origin of circular dichroism in ARPES spectra from graphene, WSe$_2$, and other quantum materials

Not scheduled
Sala Giambiagi (Adriatico Guesthouse, ICTP, Trieste, Italy)

Sala Giambiagi

Adriatico Guesthouse, ICTP, Trieste, Italy

Invited Oral


Lukasz Plucinski (PGI-6 FZ Juelich)


On the example of graphene, we will discuss various contributions to circular dichroism in angle-resolved photoemission (CD-ARPES) [1,2] which include phase shifts of the participating partial waves [3], the interatomic phase shifts [4], and the CD due to elastic scattering of an excited electron [5]. Multiple scattering calculations are performed using the EDAC cluster code [6] and the KKR-based one-step model [7]. Subsequently, we perform similar analysis for WSe$_2$, a material where orbital characters are relatively well-defined.
Finally, a simple interatomic interference model that qualitatively explains asymmetric spin-polarized ARPES (spin-ARPES) spin texture from WTe$_2$ single crystal surface [4] is presented.
This study aims to explore how CD-ARPES and spin-ARPES techniques can enhance the understanding of topological materials.

[1] arXiv:2309.02187 (2023)
[2] JESRP 258, 147219 (2022)
[3] JESRP 214, 29 (2017)
[4] PRL 130, 146401 (2023)
[5] JJAP 32, L1480 (1993)
[6] PRB 63, 75404 (2001)
[7] PRB 83, 121408(R) (2011)

Primary author

Lukasz Plucinski (PGI-6 FZ Juelich)

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