Dec 3 – 4, 2024
Adriatico Guesthouse, ICTP, Trieste, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone
Call for abstract and registration will be available in September 2024

Invited Speakers

Gas phase studies:  

  • Vincent Wanie (Hamburg)
  • Caterina Vozzi (Milan)
  • Laurent Nahon (Soleil-Saclay)
  • Martin Quack (ETHZ)

Solution phase studies:

  • Malte Oppermann (Basel)
  • François Hache (Palaiseau)
  • Ravi Bhardwaj (Ottawa)
  • Bernd Winter (Berlin)
  • Jan Helbing (Zürich)

Molecular powders, films, nanostructures and solids:

  • Riccardo Mincigrucci (Trieste)
  • Benedikt Rösner (Villigen)
  • Oriol Arteaga (Barcelona)
  • Alberto Crepaldi (Milano)


  • Olga Smirnova (Berlin)
  • Kayn A. Forbes (U. of East Anglia)